Monday, 16 June 2014

Noel Vermillion Cosplay #2

Hey guys~

My outfit for Noel Vermillion is apparently going well so I'm going over my friends place  who's making it so I'll put up some pics :D 

The wig is also pretty good, I'll put up the pic of the wig as well

Friday, 6 June 2014

Prom Stuck!

Hey guys!

Currently I'm at Promstuck, a homestuck event in Perth city~ 

It's pretty epic, and I've met so many awesome people! Here are some pics,I gonna take more, so don't be disappointed!

I'm also going to SUPANOVA from the 20th to the 23rd of June, and I'm cosplaying  as Noel Vermillion from Blazblue WOOO so yeah, see y'all later!

Monday, 19 May 2014


Hey again

Sorry it's been a while.. But I've been doing so much things lately everything's become a blur.

So Exams started this week, and I had my maths exam this morning, which I found was fairly easy, thanks to my friendly tutor Victor (whom I mentioned in the last post)
So I don't have to attend school for 2 weeks, just have to go there for exams. :D
There's been a few birthdays lately, and I really need to get a job so I can get money for all those wonderful ageing people! :P



I'm going to SupaNova next month, and hopefully I'll be cosplaying as Faceless from Spirited Away! I'll honestly TRY to post up pics on here, and yeah. I only just realised that Faceless in GIANT, so I'm going to have to make some sort of wooden stilts, or like tall wooden clogs or something. It's pretty easy cosplay to make, but I haven't seen a single Faceless at every anime convention I've been to, so maybe I'll be popular for once :P

Anyhow, I have to go now, but I'll most likely put up a post tmrw :D

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Hey guuuuuysss

Currently I'm at the major University in Puuurrth~ and I'm supposed to be doing work with the help of my friend that came over to do macaroons I mentioned in the last post...


I'm taking advantage of free wifi here so woo~

I stayed over night at my friend Hannah's place, I really like her studio (or whatever its called :P) its neat.

And then I rode to my friends place, (his name is Victor btw) had brekkie there, went to church with him, went to Subiaco markets for lunch, went back to his place, got all the stuff we need for studying, and now we're at Reid Library at UWA (University of Western Australia).

So yeaahh~ woo

I dont really know what else to say...and Victor is looking at what I'm typing...he's weirrrddd >.>

Monday, 28 April 2014

New Ipod~

Hai guuuys~

Guess what, guess what? I got a new iPod shuffle and its RED~!
WOO~ Red is an awesome colour + apple donates money for every red apple product bought to help with AIDS in Africa. So yeah. It's awesome.

Moving on..I started up school today....again...It's so annoying because I have literally no friends here, only people which are good to talk to in certain classes. So I've only got class buddies? :P

Myeh. This school thing will only last only about a year and a half, because after that, I'm moving to Switzerland where there is UNLIMITED. INTERNET. WOOOOOOOOP~


I'm so happy! :D

So yeah, this is a relatively short post, but then my life isn't that interesting so I'm probably talking to myself, since people are not interested in my life mwhahaha.

But I'll try to keep on posting, just in case there is a Mr or Mrs or Miss or Ms or Whatever Invisible. :P Just to keep you happy.

So ciao ciao~

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


Whaaa~ its been ages since I've been on here...

Sorry guys....

Well, anyways its the holidays, well I've only got about 6 days left...D:

I haven't been doing much, I've started watching the new Fairy Tail, but to be honest, I don't really like the new character designs for Lucy nor for Natsu.... :(

Other then anime, the only other thing I've been doing is cooking~

I cooked a cake for my brothers birthday ( i dunno if it was on the holidays :P) and made a whooole bunch of cookies. And then one of my friends wanted to make macaroons at my place, since his kitchen is tiny. (sorry if he's reading this :P) So we made some chocolate macaroons, and apprently all the other times he tried making them, they've never turned out good... But the macaroons turned out to be SO GOOOOOOOOOOD! And we ate all of them in one day...40 macaroons in one day...whew.

And the other thing I've been doing is making a some sort of go-cart...I still haven't got wheels, so now it just looks like some bizarre piece of wood.

Oh, oh, and lately I've been running out of new songs to listen to, as all the mainstream famous ones, I find a tad any suggestions? 

Anyways, that's been my life. I hope to update this blog soon!