Monday, 16 June 2014

Noel Vermillion Cosplay #2

Hey guys~

My outfit for Noel Vermillion is apparently going well so I'm going over my friends place  who's making it so I'll put up some pics :D 

The wig is also pretty good, I'll put up the pic of the wig as well

Friday, 6 June 2014

Prom Stuck!

Hey guys!

Currently I'm at Promstuck, a homestuck event in Perth city~ 

It's pretty epic, and I've met so many awesome people! Here are some pics,I gonna take more, so don't be disappointed!

I'm also going to SUPANOVA from the 20th to the 23rd of June, and I'm cosplaying  as Noel Vermillion from Blazblue WOOO so yeah, see y'all later!